How to Clean a Washing Machine for Beautifully Fresh Laundry

 In Articles, Move In & Hygiene Home Cleaning, Regular Cleaning, Spring Cleaning

A washing machine is a modern-day marvel often taken for granted as it effortlessly handles our dirty laundry and leaves our clothes satisfyingly fresh.

However, we can forget that the home appliances we use for cleaning actually need to be cleaned themselves. Otherwise, they may not run smoothly and give you all the benefits they offer.

At Nest Home Services, cleaning your home is our priority.

So today we’ll explore why regular washing machine maintenance is crucial and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to clean it effectively, enabling you to keep your home in a sparkling, opulent condition.


Keeping Your Laundry Sparkling & Your Machine in Top Shape


Why Cleaning Your Washing Machine Matters


Eliminating Odours

Have you noticed a musty smell lingering on your freshly laundered clothes? Over time, detergent residues, fabric softener build-up, and trapped moisture can create the perfect environment for mould and bacteria. Regular cleaning eliminates these odour-causing culprits, ensuring your clothes come out of the wash smelling as fresh as they should.


Improving Machine Efficiency

A clean washing machine operates more efficiently, leading to better cleaning performance. Residue and deposits can affect the machine’s ability to agitate properly, resulting in less effective wash cycles. By maintaining a clean machine, you’ll ensure that your laundry gets the thorough cleaning it deserves.


Prolonging Appliance Lifespan

Just as a well-maintained car lasts longer, so does a well-cared-for washing machine. Regular cleaning prevents the build-up of grime and debris that can lead to mechanical issues. Investing time in maintenance now can save you from costly repairs or having to replace your appliance sooner than expected.


How to Clean a Front Load Washing Machine Vs Top Load

Top Loaders vs Front Loaders: The type of washing machine you have influences the cleaning process. For top loaders, attention to the agitator and top rim is crucial. Front loaders, on the other hand, require extra care for the door seal, which can trap moisture and soap scum.


Understanding Your Washing Machine

– High-Efficiency Machines: High-efficiency (HE) machines use less water, meaning detergent residues can accumulate more easily. It’s essential to use HE-friendly detergents and follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning.

Common Materials Used: Washing machines often have various materials, from stainless steel drums to rubber gaskets. Understanding these materials helps tailor your cleaning approach to be effective yet gentle.


Step-by-Step Guide to Clean out a Washing Machine


1. External Cleaning
  • Start by giving the exterior a once-over.
  • Wipe down surfaces with a soft cloth and a mild cleaner, paying attention to control panels, knobs, and the door.
  • Clean the door and its rubber gasket thoroughly to prevent mould growth.
  • For smaller sections, such as buttons, you might use a smaller brush or cotton tip to clean hard-to-reach crevices.


2. Detergent Dispenser
  • Remove the detergent dispenser and soak it in warm, soapy water.
  • Use a small brush to scrub away any residue.
  • Rinse thoroughly, and air-dry before reinserting.


3. Drum
  • Run a hot water cycle with white vinegar to eliminate odours and dissolve residues.
  • Follow up with a cycle containing baking soda to freshen and neutralise remaining smells.
  • Wipe down the drum interior with a damp cloth to remove any remaining residues.


4. Door Seal (Front Loaders)
  • Inspect the door seal for mould or residue.
  • Clean it using a mixture of vinegar and water, paying attention to crevices.
  • For detailed cleaning, use cotton tips to reach tight spots.


5. Filters and Drains
  • Locate and clean lint filters. For top loaders, this is often near the agitator; front loaders may have a filter near the drum.
  • Clear out debris from the pump filter by using pliers to open the filter cap. Be prepared for some water to spill.
  • Run a maintenance wash with baking soda and vinegar to keep internal components clean.


Washing Machince Maintenance Tips

  • Consider cleaning your washing machine on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on usage. A regular schedule helps prevent build-up before it becomes problematic.
  • Use the recommended amount of detergent, follow care instructions, and leave the door ajar after each wash to allow moisture to evaporate.
  • Don’t overload the machine, use too much detergent, or ignore signs of issues like strange odours or unusual noises.
  • Periodically inspect hoses, check for leaks, and be attentive to any unusual noises during operation. Promptly address any issues to prevent further damage.

By incorporating these steps into your routine, you’ll not only ensure your washing machine functions optimally but also enjoy beautifully fresh laundry every time. Remember that a small investment of time in cleaning can lead to a longer lifespan for your appliance and a more efficient laundry routine overall.

Ready to Transform Your Laundry Experience?

If you’d like to skip the DIY and leave the hard work to the professionals, contact Nest Home Services in Brisbane. Our dedicated team is equipped to handle all your cleaning needs, including our regular cleaning and spring cleaning services ensuring your home appliances and spaces shine effortlessly.

BOOK NOW:   Call 0438 079 996 OR Online Estimate with Nest Cleaning in Brisbane, Australia and experience the convenience of expert cleaning services. Your fresh and invigorated home awaits!


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